My Dear Youth,
Please find the tips I followed during my school and college days-
- Planning is key to success. Plan what, when and how you want to study using divide and conquer strategy. Dividing the subject syllabus into parts and planning when and how to study the parts play a key role in the study. Jot down the plan on a paper and tick them off once you are done studying that part.
- Start studying in a place where there are no distractions and can help you concentrate on what you want to study. Facing North direction while studying is important because of the Earth's magnetic field is more favorable when you face North and study. Also, ensure there is proper lighting in the area you study. Poor lighting conditions may cause you stress and deter you from achieving concentration.
- Sometimes, it takes time to concentrate during the initial period of reading a book. Repeat reading the first 1-2 pages of the chapter/ book until you get the way the author of the book is communicating. If needed read those pages loudly, so that all your senses concentrate on studying.
- Just like the way you don't gulp all the food once in a day and wait for digestion, you must read a book to digest it by reading it in breaks. Read a chapter/ topic and memorize its essence by visualizing or narrating, what you have understood from the chapter/ topic, inside your mind. Repeat visualization/ narration of the topic until you are confident that you can recollect it during the exam. You can even jot down important break points in what you have read and tried storing it in your memory by converting the breakpoints into a word/ phrase. It is advised to take 15-30 minute breaks for every 1-2 hours of study.
- Read the easiest chapters first because that will increase your confidence in the subject and will also help you prepare for exams when you have less preparation period. Study the toughest/ tougher topics after you are done with the easiest/ easier ones.
- Practice makes man perfect. So, spend time in labs for doing practicals, based on what you have read and understood from books, with fun to increase your grip on the subject.
- It is always advised to study for 1-2 hours before sleeping during the night because your mind tries to digest what you have read in your sleep and also makes it easy to recall after wakeup next day.
- Studying in the early hours of the day after wakeup during exams is recommended.
- Never skip your exams just because you are not happy with your preparation. Giving a try for your exam is good for it gives you learning experience, which will be useful next time, and at the same time possibility of getting pass grades, if your evaluator is in good mood or the questions in the exam paper are easy to be answered by you.
- Attend classes and respect your faculty wholeheartedly because they are transferring their knowledge to you so that you grow up in your life beyond them in the future. Be sincerely grateful to your teachers.
- Enjoy your school/ college days because those are the best days in everybody's life and make some good friends during these days. Balance enjoyment and learning.
- The last but not the least point never feels jealous with toppers in your class by comparing yourselves with them. Instead, aim at best grades in your exams and achieve it. Just like a mountain climber at the bottom should not bring down the climbers at the mountaintop and make them fall on you causing both parties to fall. If the mountain climber aims at peak, then there are a lot of chances for him/her to reach the peak, maybe sometime after your predecessors. Similarly, aim at best grades, but not the best student in your class.

I pray to GOD for the Health, Peace, and Prosperity of All my Teachers who mentored me till this date.