The Best Boss is one who:
- thinks that s/he too is working for a firm just like the Team members under him/her and grooms them towards the organizational goals.
- is a patient listener and loves to help one's Team members compassionately with empathy.
- doesn't steal the credit from the Team members upon success and attributes one's success to the Team by being loyal and honest to the Team.
- doesn't make one's Team members scapegoat for failure, rather takes responsibility for every outcome.
- creates fun-loving moments across the Team and doesn't apply 'divide and conquer' strategy among one's Team members.
- does not micromanage the activities of the Team members, but be capable of micro-guiding the Team members in completing their duties and avoid rework.
- trusts one's Team and is capable of delegating right tasks to right team members.
- rewards one's Team members openly for a task well done and corrects one's Team members for their improvement privately.
- encourages Team members to perform tasks they like, think out-of-the-box and ensure the organization promotes those who excelled in completing such tasks.
- respects all of one's subordinates, peers and managers.
- doesn't make the subordinates to feel being exploited.
- has good values and believes in leading by example at work.