Question: Why am I not greedy?
- One comes empty-handed to this world and leaves this world empty-handed.
- What comes in middle will leave in middle.
- GOD is the One who created this world. Everything here belongs to Him.
- It is GOD who gives what every Soul deserves in His world.
- Lack of contentedness or being greedy will leave one dissatisfied, thus unhappy.
- GOD gives some people excess of material in His world so that they can help underprivileged people in their life.
- Nothing is permanent in this material world, including our body.
- Anything in excess is bad for health, both mental and physical.
- Having material in excess makes one vulnerable to threats from others.
- Being contended, with what one has, will keep one hale and healthy.
- One misses the joy of life when one chases one's dreams of making more and more money.