In order, to stop climate change Governments should:
- Levy surcharge/ tax on oil/ gas which cause pollution, so that public is encouraged to avail public transport. Such tax money can be used to stop climate change using alternative methods.
- Educate people on climate change and it's consequences for us and our next generations.
- Must plan to gradually migrate to green fuels for Energy and closing down power plants which cause pollution due to the burning of fossil fuels.
- Make public transport more affordable and convenient for all commuters. Employers must provide free passes to all their employees to avail public transport.
- Avoid deforestation and encourage greenery everywhere.
- Establish a global consortium to research on green fuels and stop climate change.
- Encourage family planning to bring down the carbon footprint of a family.
- Encourage recycling of plastic, glass, metal, and paper.
- Apply technologies to save power during transmission.